Socialsalerep is the biggest platform that has high demand from Pakistan & India for 30 types of online part time jobs for students. If you are a student you can earn a good amount of money by chatting with others. They are providing remote jobs for beginners and no experience is required for a chat representative job.
Table of Contents
1. Why SocialSaleRep is best for students?
Today every student is trying to earn some money along with their studies. Today’s people want to earn more and better money in less time. People all over the world want to do online jobs. Those who cannot apply for jobs in big companies, those students want to do online jobs for now.
This platform provides online jobs to such people and everyone can earn up to $25 dollars daily. If you have a laptop, computer, or mobile, you can start working from today, you just need to pay $ 1 for registration on the website. After that, you can earn as much money as you want.
Just as this is a source of earning for students, similarly housewives at home can also earn money from here as per their expenses. Because this platform does not demand any specific skill, anyone can take advantage of this platform.
2. What does SocialSaleRape do?
This is a platform where after your registration you are given training so that you can know how you can start chatting with people or earn more money daily.
Certification and membership to Social Sale Rep normally costs $99 per month, but they need more workers from India and Pakistan so you can get certified and start working today for just $1. After 3 days, once you are certified and have started your first paid live chat job, your membership will then begin to be billed at $27 per month.
Your ongoing membership to SocialSaleRep gives you unlimited access to our training, support, and job database. There is no limit on the amount of jobs you can do or the amount you can earn. You can cancel at any time, including in your first 3 days and you will not be charged anything more than your initial $1 payment.
Meanwhile, you will also be given training so that you will be able to understand better how to make your future in the job of chat assistance.
3. How to join SocialSaleRep for jobs?
First of all, you have to do your registration which will cost you $1. After that, you will be given membership for 3 days. If you get a job, this membership will be active, after that, no matter how much money you earn, you will have to pay only $27 every month. This amount will be automatically deducted from your account and you can withdraw the remaining money and use it.
It would be nice to tell you that this platform charges its monthly fee, so keep this in mind. Since I am earning a lot from this platform, I want to give you information about this platform. I hope you will benefit from the information given by me or it will be of great help to you in the future. I want to wish you all the best in advance so that you can be successful in the future.
4. FAQ for Socialsalerep
Q – I am not even a graduate can I earn by socialsalerep?
Yes, on this platform no skill is required for an assistance job. You can earn anytime anywhere.
Q – Can I cancel my membership in 3 days If I am not interested?
Yes, If you are not interested or satisfied for any reason you can cancel your membership in three days.
Q – What is the requirement for doing live chat jobs?
You should have only one device like a mobile, laptop, PC, Tab, etc. with a good internet connection or wifi.
Q – What is a live chat assistance job?
As a chat assistant, you have to answer the customer through an online process. Your primary responsibility is to resolve their problem and issues.
If you have any query or problem you can reach us.
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